We thought you would enjoy some pictures of John in the hospital. Here he is doing two of his favorite activities, listening to music on his ipod and exchanging emails with all of you.
We have had some great news since we last posted.
John was administered his first round of chemotherapy last night. We were worried about how he would take it, but he seems to have handled it very well. Initial reports from the hematology group show that even with just this initial dose of medication, there are signs the tumor is already breaking up, which is very encouraging.
Our other piece of good news is that John will finally be moving out of ICU to his own room on the oncology floor. This is very exciting for John as it means he will have his own space to move around, including a play room to visit. We will get to fill his space with some special things from home, and decorate his walls with all the notes, posters, pictures and cards that you all have so thoughtfully sent. This is also great news for our family because we can finally bring Jimmy and Caroline to the hospital to see their little brother. This will be a very special reunion for all of us and we are so grateful for it.
In closing, we wanted to share one funny story to show that John's sense of humor has remained intact throughout his hospital stay. One of the medications he's been given has a side effect that turns his urine red. The nurses were concerned this might seem scary to him, but his only complaint was that it was a Stanford color. He wanted to know if it would be possible to switch to something which turns his urine blue. A true Cal fan.
We continue to be overwhelmed by your love and support and will be in touch soon with more news.
We're shocked and devestated to hear this news about Johnny and so so sorry. He is in our thoughts and prayers. We're also glad he's keeping his sense of humor because that will be so important in the long days ahead.
ReplyDeleteI know you're surrounded by so many loving family members and friends, but if there is ANYTHING we can do, please please let us know. Love, the Metherds
Mike and Mollie,
ReplyDeleteWe send our love and prayers to Johnny and your entire family. He is a brave and strong boy. Thank you for the encouraging updates and the great story about blue urine. Our daily thoughts and prayers are with you.
The Leone Family
Dear Mike, Mollie, and kids,
ReplyDeleteMuch love to you and your family. Reed is missing his buddy. Looking forward to seeing John soon.
The Callisters
Dear Ricksen Family-
ReplyDeleteOur hearts and prayers are with you. We know that God is with you and Johnny will come through this even quicker than the doctors could have predicted. Johnny's spirit is so pure and strong it has already broken that tumor into bits- it is no match for him and his posse of people who love him.
With love and nightly prayers,
The O'Neills
Dear Mike, Mollie and kids,
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to you all. We are thinking and praying for you John.
You are surrounded by so much love and support and what sounds like an amazing team of doctors. You will be out there supporting your Blue and Gold team in no time.
Much love,
The Shapiro Family
Dear Ricksen Family
ReplyDeleteWe are all so lucky to have been touched by your family in so many special ways that it is now all of our turns to reach out and extend our love, friendship and support during this arduous journey. Although we are so far away we know our prayers and love will even make it across the alps. We hope for Johnny patience and strength for each new day and to know how lucky he is to have such a wonderful family to support him.
All our love and well wishes
The Mckechnie Family
Johnny Buddy!
ReplyDeleteLookin' good. It is good to SEE you:) The first day of school I taught my classes of 4th graders BLINK and told them all about you beating the pants off me when you were only 4. You are their hero. I am ready for another Uno to 1000 tournament. You are a trooper. Imagine a huge bear hug for you from me. All my love, Lindy
Mike and Mollie..
ReplyDeleteWe send our love to Johnny and the family.. he is such a brave boy!! if there is ANYTHING we can do please let us know..our prayers and love are with you all!!!
The Murphy Family
Mike, Mollie and Johnny,
ReplyDeleteWe see such a brave little guy in those pictures and we are so, so happy to hear that he is already putting up such a strong fight! We pray for Johnny's continued strength and bravery and the comfort of God's incredible love during the coming months. Our prayers are with you as his amazing parents who are the backbone of his journey to wellness. We are here should you need anything.Loved the funny story and look forward to being updated on his road to health again.
Love, Bob & Kate and family
Dear John,
ReplyDeleteI hope you are feeling better. We won our soccer game yesterday and we really missed you. Too bad Cal did not win, like the Orange Jack-o-lanters. Go Bears!
From your Friend, JP
Mollie and Mike: It's Sunday morning and I just got the devastating news about John. Emerson and I send our love and thoughts to you all. We KNOW you'll beat this. Can't wait to see you again on the sports fields. John, you rock!
ReplyDeleteLaura and Emerson
John, we hope you feel better soon. It was great to see these pictures of you. You rock! We're excited to see you when you come out of the hospital so we can play. We can't wait to play wiffle ball with you in our backyard again soon!
Hayden and Will Haughey
Dear Ricksen Family, our hearts sank when we got the news, and are lifting Brave John and your entire family up in daily prayer. God must know John is a strong couragious boy, to give him such a battle...but we ALL know John will emerge triumphant!! We would love to be of help in any way, so please don't hesitate to call on us. Buckets of well wishes and prayers, The Hillstrom Family
ReplyDeleteSending love and prayers your way.
ReplyDeleteBriggs and Ethnea
Dear Ricksens, please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. John will beat this! Please know we are here for you for whatever you need!
ReplyDeleteThe Rhodes family
John: Watch out, next Saturday the Trojans are coming to meet the Mighty Bears! With your strength and determination, I fear for the Trojans. We know the entire Ricksen family will be cheering them on, just as your team is cheering for you and for your speedy recovery. Your smile makes us smile. Stay strong. Much love, The Porter Family
ReplyDeleteThe entire Devine/Morton Clan is heartbroken to hear the sad news about John. Our love and prayers are with you all. Hang in there!!! xxooDonna and Tad
ReplyDeleteDear Mike and family,
ReplyDeleteWe are thinking of you and all of you are in our prayers. John, Cal must have known you were sick! They couldn't play well without the Rickesen's rooting them on. You don't know us, but I went to school with your Dad and we are rooting for you!
Lots of love,
Nancy and all of the Garveys
ReplyDeleteDr. Seuss wrote this...it sounds like you -
“I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.
Some come from ahead and some come from behind.
But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see.
Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!”
Way to bring out the big bat, John. Keep up the good work.
Lots of love to your mom, dad, Jimmy & Caroline...
Shelley & Roger Graham
John and Family-
ReplyDeleteJust returned from Oregon...and were all so happy to hear the great news that the medicine is working well. I am sure the hospital staff is loving having you around to keep them smiling. Reid was remembering when you joined his basketball team for the day, and how great of a player you were. All of us are sending good thoughts. You are surrounded by good wishes from so many - hoping that helps a bit. Thanks for keeping us posted - keep up the good work taking your medicine!.
xo - Meg, John, Kate, Lucy and Reid
Dear Johnny and Family:
ReplyDeleteWe are thinking of you. We just returned from Utah today and were so glad to hear you are doing well and moved from ICU. We are sending special thoughts and prayers.
Your cousins from Irvine,
Candy, Roger and Adam Thorpe
p.s. go CAL
Dear Mike, Mollie and Johnny,
ReplyDeleteWe're thinking about you and are hoping and praying for a fast recovery. Glad to hear the chemo is working. Let us know when friends can visit. Luke and Jack would love to see you John. Lots of love. The Miles Family.
Dear Ricksen Family,
ReplyDeleteJust want to send my love to you all. Stu has been keeping me updated on how amazing you have all been through such a surreal week - what a wonder how love and family can make people so strong. Thankful to hear the good pieces of news about treatment so far, and big time cheers to John for being so awesome!
All my love and thoughts and prayers,
Heidi and the Mock family
We are so happy to hear all the good news. Thanks for creating this blog and allowing us to keep up with Johnny's progress. We are with you on this journey and here in anyway you need us to be.
ReplyDeleteLots of Love & Prayers,
Maureen, Tris, Nolan, and Hannah
I'm glad that John's doing better already. Keep up the good work on beating the cancer and keeping that great smile going!!
ReplyDeleteBrad, Jennifer, Colleen and Claire McCullough
ReplyDeleteWe are thinking of you every day and hoping you are feeling better. Ryan and Sam are looking forward to a game of pickle when you're ready.
The Walkers
So glad to hear things are moving in your favor now! Momentum is a powerful thing. I dig your computer John, looks awesome! Take care and keep that sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteMollie and Mike, just give us a call for anything day or night and we'll be there in 15 mins.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery -- the Bears need you!
ReplyDeleteMatt, Tammy & girls
Team Ricksen, the thoughts and prayers of 35,000 of Mike's professional colleagues are with John, and the Ricksen family.
ReplyDeleteMatt Davis on behalf of Team Aon.
Dear Mollie and family,
ReplyDeleteI saw your post on Carter's blog, and had actually heard about your son from Kristen (Coleman) Hatfield. It is a small world! I'm sorry you are having to go through this, as I know this path all too well. I can tell from the pictures, John is a fighter just like Carter. Remember, attitude is half the battle. Stay optimistic and learn as much as you possibly can at this point. In those early days, knowledge gave us power and a mission. You will all conquer this and you'll have admiration for your son that you never realized you could have. Please use us as a resource. Your family will be in our thoughts and prayers!
Take care and keep fighting John!!
The Kipp Family
Dear Johnny, Caroline, Jimmy, Mike and Mollie
ReplyDeleteYou have been in our thoughts and prayers daily. We love you all...Stay strong and positive and we look forward to coming to visit soon.
Love always,
Dina and John
hey johnny,
ReplyDeleteAll your pals are waiting for you to get better so they can play with you again. You probably know that all the Bears fans are rooting for you as well. You know when you go to the Cal basketball games and see all those thousands of people in the stands .... that is how many people are thinking of you and waiting for you to get better. Hang in there and do your best because all those people want to see you out having fun and playing with your friends soon.
Go Bears
Dear Johnny
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me, but I know your Dad, Uncle Casey and Grandparents very well. I just wanted to let you know that my family and I are rooting for you! Keep your spirits up and you will come out on top! Your a Ricksen - and Ricksen's are tough dudes! Hang in there buddy!
Kent Jordan
Maxwell Jordan (my 9 yr old son)
The extended Jordan Family
The Ricksen Family,
ReplyDeleteMatt and I want to send our well wishes, thoughts, hugs, and prayers you way. Johnny should be getting a little something in the mail from us shortly. It will be sent to the hospital. We are not the best at knowing what a 7 year old boy might like, but hope it brings him some entertainment when he feels up to it. Too funny about the Stanford and CAL urine colors. I tried to find something CAL to send to him, but am sure you already have tons of CAL stuff.
You guys are wonderful for thinking of others at this trying time by keeping a blog to keep us all informed. Thank you though, great to get all the facts and the whole story directly from the source.
Take care and we look forward to hearing about your return home as quickly as possible:)
Thinking of you all,
Kim and Matt Ritthaler
Dear John-
ReplyDeleteI grew up with your dad and his brother and sisters. I know what an incredible and loving extended family you have. But I also want you to know that there are so very many people who are sending you their love and support. When it comes down to it, this is truly a very small world.
Love to you and your family,
Carolyn Peterson Baxter -- Go Bears!
Dear Johnny, Mike, Mollie, Caroline and Jimmy -- So good to see the pictures of Johhny smiling and to hear the prognosis is good. Our love to you all during this difficult time. If there is anything we can do to help, please call on us.
Bob and June
Dear Ricksen family,
ReplyDeleteSo sad to hear of your problem and so glad to hear things are going well. We will be "tuning in for updates"!
Life throws us some real curves, doesn't it?
Thinking of you daily!!
Geri and Bob Briggs