Friday, January 15, 2010

Johnny Jam

This blog is dedicated to John's CYO Basketball Team, The Warriors, who are 8-0 this season. Thank you for making him feel so part of the team!

I apologize in advance for my shrieking voice in the video.

John was released on Saturday just in time to watch his Cal Bears beat USC. On Monday morning, he woke up with a very sore mouth. The day I had been dreading was finally here! I had been very anxious about the side effects of this new round of chemo and had been told that it can be tough. We spent all day Monday at the hospital where the doctors assessed his mouth sores, hooked him up to IV fluids, administered pain medicine and checked his counts. John woke up Tuesday feeling better and it improved each day. He was eating regular food by Wednesday.

On Thursday afternoon, Jimmy and John were playing in the backyard. The music was blaring on the outdoor speakers (The Beatles, of course). One of John's best friends dropped in for an unexpected visit. As I walked in the house, I could see the boys shooting hoops. I grabbed John's Nano and took the video posted here. For a moment, I forgot all about cancer, hospitals, chemo- it was just so PERFECT!


  1. kate svendsenJanuary 15, 2010

    Mol, You were right---Loved the video!....just love seeing boys be boys-- this is when they are happiest. John looks great; so admire his strength. Thinking of you all the time, Kate

  2. John,
    Sweet shooting. Warriors need to study the loop before the game today. It is going to be a close one as the other Sleepy Hollow team is pretty strong.
    Believe it or not, baseball is around the corner. We are lucky to have coach Wong as our head coach, I will be his assistant. We will learn a lot this year from him. The draft is Monday night, if you have any tips on players, we are all ears.
    Look forward to seeing you today on the court today. By the way, cool blog.
    Hi glad your coming to the game-Alton.

  3. Hi John your looking Ha. Nice shoot'in (plus that lay up.)


  4. Mollie, it was so great that you got the video of the boys playing basketball. It's those moments that help see the light at the end of the tunnel. John's a natural on the court. Think of you so often,
    Ann Batman

  5. Johnny - our hoop is ready for you whenever you venture over to our house with Jimmy or hang across the street with Matt! We love having you over!! Enjoy the weekend!

  6. Hi John,
    Nice shooting. Great seeing on the court. Glad you're feeling better. Thanks for sharing Mollie.

    Paul Simo

  7. Johnny boy! So good to see you dominating on the hoop court!...Jake and Tommy were just talking about coming up for CAL basketball camp this summer. Love seeing you in action. You continually make me smile.

    Love you,
    Aunt Fun

  8. I love this video. Its all good and perfect. John-I am so impressed with your shooting. Way to go!!!!! And Mollie, I love hearing your voice, proud Mama!
